Step Up, Step Into and Step Over

As I sought the Lord  concerning the Hebraic New Year,  I heard the Lord say.

  1. Step Up

  2. Step Into

  3. Step Over

I continued to listen and understood more of what He was saying.

When I heard Step Up, I knew  there is the obvious connotation of coming up higher and getting the Lord’s perspective.  I believe this is part of what He is saying.  This is vital because if we are down here in the muck and mire, we will get bogged down in what we see and feel in the natural and will not be able to see and hear what the Lord is doing.

But the primary sense I was getting is we need to engage. Step up, be responsible and exercise your authority. We are called to function as the Ekklesia. The word “Ekklesia,” was the word used by Jesus that is translated “church” in the New Testament. It was a word used in biblical times for a group of citizens who assembled to govern.    We need to not just know about the Ekklesia and its role but to operate as the Ekklesia. Tim Sheets said recently  “For a while, the Ekklesia was a concept we taught. I believe we are now moving into an actual functioning of the concepts we have been preaching.”  We must be aligned in such a way that we can function as the Ekklesia in our area of responsibility.

Head knowledge must be put into practice! We need to walk out what we know, practice what we preach. 

Recently I was watching the Denver Broncos play the Houston Texans.  I have been watching football since I was a little girl watching with my dad.  As I watched I had never seen a game where the team struggled so much with timing.  In football you have a certain amount of time between plays.  If you don’t start the next play in that time frame you must call a time out (you only have 3 per half) or you will be penalized.  Denver got multiple penalties and wasted time outs.  The fans were getting very frustrated.  Before long the whole stadium was counting down 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1.  They were done being spectators! They were doing everything they could to help! I felt this is a prophetic picture of where He is taking the church in this season.  For many years much of the church has been spectating, just like the Bronco fans.  But we are entering a season where everyone is needed.  All hands-on deck!  Just like the fans in the stands, we are going to be asked to do everything we can to help. Some will be asked to get on the field, others will help with timing. I heard the Lord say, “Timing is crucial in this season.” Whatever we are asked to do we must Step Up!

Step up and be part of the solution. We are coming out of the spectator mentality into “I’m part of the game.

Next, I heard Step Into your role for which Christ created you. We must be bold yet humble. I also heard the Lord say, “You need to broaden your focus corporately and narrow your focus individually inside that corporate setting.” 

What is our individual assignment or role inside the broader picture?

We can’t be self-appointed; we need to be in community so our gifts and callings can grow and be validated.  Those who can see and call out giftings and callings in others need to be  functioning in this season. We must know our target corporately, but also our role individually. 

For example, if you, as a  family, need to clean your house,  it will work best if everyone knows the goal and knows their role inside that larger vision.  Each person knows what they are responsible for cleaning, and they know they are not alone.  Other people are working inside the same larger vision, but with  different assignments.

Lastly, I heard Step Over barriers.

There will be barriers!! Be prepared, but not fearful.  Know that you can leap over these barriers.

Ps. 18:29  NKJV states,  “For by You I can run against a troop, By my God I can leap over a wall.”

In the Message, Ps. 18:28-29 says “Suddenly, GOD, you floodlight my life; I’m blazing with glory, God’s glory! I smash the bands of marauders, I vault the highest fences.”  

The same verses in The Passion Translation state, “God, all at once you turned on a floodlight for me! You are the revelation-light in my darkness, and in your brightness I can see the path ahead.  With you as my strength I can crush an enemy horde, advancing through every stronghold that stands in front of me.

God is pouring out his glory.  His light illuminates our path.  He gives us guidance and strategy. As we are blazing with His glory, He empowers us to go over the barriers. Don’t let the barriers stop you!  Take responsibility!  Be persistent and  get the needed strategy to move forward.

Does this resonate with you? I would love to hear your comments. I hope this helps you navigate the days ahead. If you have found this helpful, please share it with others.




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