Pursue the Messenger

 Communication is key in any relationship.  In our relationship with the Lord, we are reading our Bible for more than information. We pray to do more than just share with the Lord what we need. In both cases we are wanting to communicate with the Lord.  We want to hear what is on His heart, what is His perspective on our concerns, and we want to be with Him. 

As we begin a new year, many times we make New Year Resolutions. 

·         I am going to read through the whole Bible this year. 

·         I am going to keep a journal this year. 

·         I am going to pray for my family for 20 minutes every day. 

There is nothing wrong with these goals, but may I suggest a goal of having a closer relationship with the Lord. It might begin with improving your communication.  You listening to Him and Him hearing and responding to you.  A 2-way dialogue is so much more fulfilling than a monologue.

 Recently the Lord reminded me of a time when my husband, Jack, was preaching in a small church as part of a week-long meeting. While preaching, a very old woman stood up and started approaching the pulpit.  She declared, "I don't hear very well, so I am going to stand by you and read along."  Sure enough, the petite woman hobbled up next to him and leaned on the pulpit and read along as my 6-foot 6-inch husband tried to carry on without being distracted.

I heard the Lord say, "This is a picture of what needs to happen with my people this year."  In the midst of chaos and confusion 

*"We must be willing to humble ourselves and admit we are not hearing very well and press into the Messenger."

*"We must be willing to be bold and look foolish as we pursue the Messenger,"

*We must re-position ourselves to be closer to the Messenger,"

*We must open ourselves to receive the Message in a new way."

"We must read the Message while listening to the Messenger."

"We must move out of being positioned as a spectator and move into the position of a co-laborer."

As we begin this new year lets purpose in our hearts to not just HAVE our time with the Lord but let’s pursue better communication with the One who love us more than any other, The Messenger.   Let’s not just read the Bible, let’s read it with Holy Spirit helping us to understand and apply it. Let’s talk to Him, but let’s also take time to listen and hear what is on his heart. When we pursue Him, He will pursue us and we are going to feel the pleasure of being with The Messenger.

What are ways you have improved your communication with The Lord? I would love for you to share so we can all learn together.


Our Experience at Asbury Outpouring


Step Up, Step Into and Step Over