Meet Terri Brown
Keep Moving Forward
Terri Brown is know for her wisdom, prophetic anointing, mother’s heart and sense of humor. Recently a friend who has known her for 20 years paused and commented, “You know all your teaching falls under the heading of ‘Keep Moving Forward’.”As she pondered this, she realized this was absolutely correct.
In the writing of her first book, Troubleshooting Your Prayer Life: Connecting with God through the Delays, Detours, and Dead Ends, much of her own experiences of having to keep moving forward laid the foundation for her examination of prayer and her own prayer life. Several times in her life, she has faced trials that nearly derailed her. She always loved the Lord and wanted to serve him, but in her pain, deception, or weariness, she wasn’t sure she could continue on this journey.
Terri is thankful she has pressed through and hopes what she shares will help you as you Keep Moving Forward. She knows the joy of quickly answered prayers and the agony of waiting.
She also trains believers to function in their prophetic gift. This includes helping people recognize the voice of God and functioning in their prophetic calling within the four walls of the church and also in all areas of society.
Terri Brown has served as Colorado coordinator for USRPN & HAPN. She and her husband, Jack, live in Colorado Springs and are pastors of The Table Church. They have six adult children and ten grandchildren.