Cardboard Cutout Jesus

Embrace All of Jesus

          Recently, while worshipping at friend’s house, I saw Jesus with a cream-colored veil over him. I quickly realized it wasn’t Jesus, but a life-size cardboard cutout of Jesus. It was a classic picture of Jesus that we commonly see with a half-smile and his hands reaching out a little in front of him. Kind, loving and available to help. I sensed the Lord saying, “This is the view of Jesus that many in my body desire.” 

As I pondered this, I realized this Jesus is just one dimensional. We get comfortable relating to Jesus in a certain way, depending on him in one dimension, relating to one aspect of his character. We like the kind, loving Jesus. It is who He is, but there is so much more! We may know Him as Savior or as Healer, but do we know Him as Advocate or Deliverer? We may know Him as the one who welcomes the children to come to Him, but do we want to relate to the Jesus who tips over tables and uses a whip to clear out the temple.

A cardboard cut out Jesus is much more manageable. We can predict what he will do! He always has His half smile shining towards us. We might even think, “I can see all of Jesus and explain all of him.” The problem is we can’t limit Jesus like this. God is a multi-faceted God, and the Bible says Jesus is a perfect reflection of the Father. One website points out 102 different names of Jesus, each reflecting a different aspect of his character and who He is.

The Lord challenged me because that if in this season, we want a one-dimensional God who we fully understand, we may misinterpret or miss what he is doing. We may think we are resisting the enemy when in reality we are resisting the Lord. A one-dimensional Jesus seems manageable, but if we just know him as a friend, what will we think when he shows up as King of Kings and releases His judgments.

Let’s remind ourselves of some of the aspects of the Lord.

·        He came to destroy the works of the enemy. (1 John 3:8)

·        He called people who were religious leaders whitewashed tombs. (Matthew 23:27)

·        He told one of his closest friends, “Get out of my way, you Satan! You are a hindrance to me, because your thoughts are only filled with man’s viewpoints and not with the ways of God.” (Matthew16:23 TPT)

·        He flipped over the table in the temple. (Matthew 21:12)

·        He cursed a fig tree and it died. (Matthew 21:18-22)

·        He healed the multitudes. (Matthew 15:29-31)

·        He was concerned that those who came to hear and see Him might be hungry on their way home. (Matthew 15:32)

·        He defended the woman accused of adultery but told her to go and sin no more. (John 8:3-11)

·        He spoke the truth to a woman caught up in sin. (John 4:17)

·        When His mom and brothers wanted him to do something, he ignored them and then declared his followers were his family. (Mark 2:31-35)

·        He took the time to weave the whip he used when he cleansed the temple. (John 2:15)

These verses reveal Jesus in His fullness. As we step into the days ahead it is vital to not assume we know how the Lord is going to reveal Himself and embrace the totality of who He is.


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